Deploy Ionic Web App to Firebase Hosing – Under 5 Mins


Do you want to deploy ionic apps into firebase cloud hosting?. Check out our easy to follow guide & deploy your ionic apps under 5 mins.


Before starting the tutorial, please make sure, you could generate build with ionic CLI & installed firebase CLI ( on your machine.

Let’s start

Step 1: Generate browser build

You can choose your existing ionic project or you can create a new ionic project. After that, you can generate a browser build.

ionic start sampleapp blank

cd sampleapp

ionic cordova build browser --prod

After a successful build, you can see www folder in your project. you need to copy it


Step 2: Firebase Initialisation

Let’s create an empty folder and initiate a firebase.

mkdir hosting

cd hosting

firebase login

firebase init

You need to select a project & select hosting. After a selection, choose public folder as www and proceed.


Step 3: Firebase Deploy

Replace hosting/www with your sampleapp/www. and execute

firebase deploy


That’s it.