So you have decided to create mobile apps using PhoneGap (Cordova)? Now you want to decide which framework is best for your UI development, right?
we can split these list based on following criteria
- Angular Based Framework
- React JS based Framework
- Vue JS-based Framework
- Others
These are the top and best UI Framework for PhoneGap / Apache Cordova development. I tried more than 5+ UI frameworks during development. I found these three are Good and easy for me.
Angular Based Frameworks
React Based Mobile UI Frameworks
- OnSen
- Ionic (currently working)
- Material UI
- Yo
- Ant Mobile Design
VueJS based Mobile UI frameworks
- onsen
- Ionic (working)
- Vue Corbon
Other Mobile Frameworks
These are some of the popular frameworks for creating UI for your PhoneGap (Cordova) applications.but among these, we can recommend few which is perfectly suits for your development
Our Recommendation:
- Ionic Framework (Highly recommended)
- Onsen UI
- Framework 7
- JQuery Mobile
Ionic Framework: Ionic framework allows you to create a mobile app for android, ios, web & PWA. It supports all major frameworks such as Angular, React, can also use this without any framework too.
Features of Ionic Framework:
- Completely Open Source
- Angular JS based
- Good Performance
- CSS Components like list view, header, footer, icons and more
- Javascript for controllers for Swipe Menu, Pull to refresh, swipe to delete and more
- Icons based on Ionicons
Additional Benefits
- Push Notification Services, App Analytics
- Drag and Drop Creator and more
Onsen UI: also supports major frameworks such as Angular, React, Vue.
Features of Onsen UI:
- Completely Open Sources
- Angular JS and Jquery Based
- CSS Components for Header, Footer, Content, ListView and more
- JavaScript Controller for Swipe Pull to refresh and more
- Pre-Made Templates for Login, Profile, Timeline and more
- Icons based on font awesome
Additional Features
- Cloud-based IDE with drag and drop (Monaca)
- Push Notification, Analytics Services and more
Framework 7 Provides UI components, layouts for your phonegap apps
Features of Framework 7:
- Open Source
- Beautifully designed
- More animations and UI components that Ionic and Onsen UI
- Material Design also included
- Pre-Made templates
JQuery Mobile: I recommend JQuery Mobile for people who don’t aware of frameworks like angular, react.they can use it
Features of Jquery Mobile:
- Simple, Quick, Easy to Learn & to Use
- Jquery Based
- CSS UI Components
Additional Features
- Theme Roller for customize
Found some other useful frameworks? You can comment below